hg19 / GRCh37
欧洲 European: 69.21%
非洲 African: 14.22%
印度 India: 8.99%
马来 Malay: 5.17%
雅库特 Yakut: 2.42%

欧洲 European: 78.02%
雅库特 Yakuts: 13.55%
非洲 African: 8.43%

东伊比利亚 East-Iberian: 25.29%
西芬兰 West-Finnic: 19.26%
凯尔特人 Celtic: 15.00%
斯堪的纳维亚-日耳曼 Scando-Germanic: 14.28%
奥摩人 Omotic: 8.26%
北海日耳曼 North-Sea-Germanic: 7.21%
西地中海 West-Med: 2.21%
萨赫勒 Sahelian: 1.84%
中地中海 Central-Med: 1.84%
尼罗人 Nilotic: 1.81%
西非 West-African: 1.43%
原始南岛 Proto-Austronesian: 1.02%
巴布亚 Papuan: 0.54%

地中海 Mediterranean: 40.76%
东北欧 Northeast European: 32.00%
西非 West African: 9.95%
台湾原住民 Taiwanese Aboriginal: 6.21%
高加索 Caucasian: 4.00%
纳索伊人 Nasoic: 2.93%
阿拉伯 Arabic: 2.12%
蔻玛尼萨恩人 Khomani San: 0.84%
巴布亚 Papuan: 0.65%
北印度 North Indian: 0.54%

大西洋地中海 Atlantic Med: 32.19%
北欧 North European: 27.27%
高加索 Caucasus: 17.52%
撒哈拉以南非洲 Sub Saharan: 13.05%
格德罗西亚 Gedrosia: 5.22%
西伯利亚 Siberian: 3.08%
东南亚 Southeast Asian: 1.19%
东非 East African: 0.43%

新石器时代安纳托利亚 Anatolian Neolithic: 31.31%
欧洲狩猎采集者-大草原 EHG-Steppe: 24.01%
西方狩猎采集者 Western HG: 10.48%
纳吐夫狩猎采集者 Natufian HG: 9.67%
撒哈拉以南非洲 Sub-Saharan: 9.61%
西伯利亚 Siberian: 9.56%
东欧亚 East Eurasian: 2.70%
新石器时代伊朗 Iran Neolithic: 1.39%
非洲狩猎采集者 African HG: 1.28%

新石器时代安纳托利亚 Anatolia Neolithic: 24.22%
高加索狩猎采集者-早期欧洲农人 CHG-EEF: 23.41%
欧洲狩猎采集者 EHG: 21.44%
斯堪的纳维亚-西欧狩猎采集者 SHG-WHG: 11.53%
新石器时代伊朗 Iran-Neolithic: 5.97%
撒哈拉以南非洲 Sub-Saharan: 5.68%
极地 Polar: 4.58%
纳吐夫 Natufian: 2.74%
巴布亚 Papuan: 0.42%

西欧亚古波斯 West Eurasian / Ancient Persia: 62.46%
美洲 American: 10.72%
非洲约鲁巴 African / Yoruba: 9.41%
古代蒙古 Ancient Mongolia: 8.87%
古南岛瓦努阿图 Ancient Vanuatu: 3.93%
尼泊尔古藏缅 Ancient Nepal: 2.53%
东亚古台湾(汉本) Ancient Taiwan / Hanben: 2.08%

The early Iron Age in France, Germany, and Switzerland, known as the West-Hallstattkreis, stands out as featuring the earliest evidence for supra-regional organisation north of the Alps. Often referred to as ‘early Celtic‘, suggesting tentative connections to later cultural phenomena, its societal and population structure remain enigmatic. Here, we present genomic and isotope data from 31 individuals from this context. We identify three biologically related groups spanning multiple elite burials as far as 100 km apart, supported by transregional individual mobility inferred from isotope data. These include a close biological relationship between two of the richest burial mounds of the Hallstatt culture. Bayesian modelling points to an avuncular relationship between the two individuals, which may suggest a practice of matrilineal dynastic succession in early Celtic elites. We show that their ancestry is shared on a broad geographic scale from Iberia throughout Central-Eastern Europe, undergoing decline after the late Iron Age.
法国、德国和瑞士的早期铁器时代,被称为西哈尔施塔特县,以阿尔卑斯山以北超区域组织的最早证据为特色。 通常被称为“早期凯尔特人”,表明与后来的文化现象有暂时的联系,其社会和人口结构仍然是个谜。 在这里,我们展示了来自该背景的 31 个人的基因组和同位素数据。 我们确定了三个生物学上相关的群体,跨越了多个相距 100 公里的精英墓地,并得到了从同位素数据推断出的跨区域个体流动性的支持。 其中包括哈尔施塔特文化中两个最丰富的墓葬之间密切的生物学关系。 贝叶斯模型表明两个人之间存在父辈关系,这可能表明早期凯尔特精英中存在母系王朝继承的做法。 我们表明,他们的祖先在从伊比利亚半岛到中东欧的广泛地理范围内都有共同的血统,但在铁器时代晚期后经历了衰落。
Evidence for dynastic succession among early Celtic elites


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